Thursday, May 24, 2012


I know I haven't blogged in a long time, and I realize that posting a video link is kind of a cop-out. But if there is anything you should learn from my Au Naturale quest, learn this.

I've waxed poetic, or at the very leat mentioned, that food labeling can be deceiving when it comes to where or how your food is raised; not the least of which in the misleading advertising around where your eggs come from. The food industry, in it's never-ending quest to capitalize on trends, is using buzz-words that lead unknowing consumers to think they are buying one thing when they are really buying another. My eyes could fall out of their sockets the number of times I've rolled them in response to some store or restaurant that pats itself on the back by making you think they are selling the most humane and organic stuff, when really they're just selling something slightly better, but with an asterisk.

I love this video because it's short, sweet, and to the point. Still think that "cage free", "free range" and "pastured" chickens and eggs are all the same thing? Please watch this. In only 5 minutes you will learn exactly how mislead you have been by food industry marketing. Then go out and learn more about from where your food comes, and that your best intentions, through no fault of your own, may not be achieving the goal you desire.