Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The 3pm dilemma

Even before I started this blog and made my now world-famous pronouncement (tee-hee), I've been gearing up by reading labels and paying attention to what I eat, taking mental notes along the way- where can I make a change?  That supposedly whole wheat piece of bread I just ate- was it truly "whole wheat"?  Was there HFCS in it?

It's easy to get totally overwhelmed by the particulars.  For example, today I enjoyed a nice salad as my lunch.  Veggies of varying variety, some tofu, and dressing of just simple olive oil and balsamic.  But I skipped my usual light sprinkling of cheese (was it shredded velveeta??).. and then started wondering about the origins of everything else.  Organic?  No chance.  Were those tomatoes gassed to get that nice red color?  Probably.

But on to those nitty-gritties later.

The bigger issue is the little slip-ups in the afternoon.  I bought an apple for a snack yesterday, but 3pm munchies sometimes can't be quelled by something so righteous.  The frango mints on the office bar (yes, we have a bar in our office, and that is where all the evil free food goes) won out.  Damn!  I will now call you the Evil Bar of Doom.

So on the list-- homemade snacks that satisfy the sweet and often chocolate directed tooth.  Oh, loyal 2 or 3 readers- any suggestions?

(sorry, this post was just okay.  Still getting the hang of it.  Also, quickly typing while inhaling the above mentioned salad probably didn't help.  I have a new intern to train....)

1 comment:

  1. Tried to post this before...

    But I always have nuts with me. They are high in protein and good fat (especially almonds) so they can fill you up. Also really dark chocolate (the good stuff--Valrhona, Michel Cluizel) is really great for you and a bite in the afternoon is often just what is called for I think...
