Friday, January 7, 2011


In yesterday's post, I poo-pooed the sandwich as a quality meal to eat when you're tired and in a rush.  Specifically, I poo-pooed the PB&J.

Guess what I'm eating right this second.

Okay, I guess I'm figuratively eating my words.  Bu don't cluck at me too hard!  My PB&J is the epitome of Au Naturale.  I made it from two slices of wheat bread that I've only been able to find at my farmer's market- from a Chicago bakery that uses about 6 ingredients total to make it, all of which you would recognize. (I would tell you the name and the ingredients, but the last loaf I've been keeping in my freezer doesn't have a label.  Hopefully the indoor farmer's market on Sunday has it.  Fingers crossed!)  Peanut butter is freshly ground, by me, from organic peanuts.  And the jelly is a succulent Marionberry from Oregon.

Never heard of Marionberries?  No, it's not the ground up remains of a disgraced mayor from D.C. (Ha!)  Looking like a blackberry but tasting more of a tangy raspberry, you can find them Oregon, where apparently over 90% of Marionberry crops are grown.  You don't see Marionberries in Chicago because they don't travel well.  At all.  A carton of berries barely makes it from the market to the house without getting bruised, if it doesn't get eaten first.  Every year my family goes to visit relatives in Oregon and we stock up on jam to bring back.  The jar I got from the Saturday Market in Corvallis, OR (a farmer's market NOT to be missed) is from a small, local farm that really just makes their jam with not much more than berries and sugar.  The label is a sticker that is handwritten.  If you can ever get your hands on some Marionberry jam, I highly recommend it!

I also promised a report on the raw macaroons.  Did they satisfy my sweet tooth?  You bet.  The flavors in there were unbelievably strong.  However, one macaroon packs 100 calories, which is a bit much for a girl trying to lose some weight, holiday and otherwise.  I guess that's the tradeoff you get for avoiding calorie-free chemicals, but my quest for a quality 3pm fix continues.

Have a great weekend!  Reports from a Chicago Farmer's Market in January (whaaa???) to come.

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