Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Welcome! Read me first.

It started when I first heard that dead bodies are decomposing nowadays at a slower rate because of all of the preservatives we eat (don't ask me to quote a source, I honestly don't remember where I heard that. Or if I can prove it's true). Then it was pondering on the skyrocketing cancer rates of our generation and our parents generation. And the food recalls. And revelations from the movie “Food Inc”. I've been wanting to switch to an all-natural diet for a while, but I keep slipping. Or I think I'm eating all natural, but then I start to question how the elements that I eat are grown/raised/packaged? After all, just the other day they announced that butter- plain, old, boring, nothing to be scared of butter- more often than not has a high level of a flame retardant in it. FLAME RETARDANT IN BUTTER?? Are you serious??

That was when it was time to make my attempts more than just attempts. It was time to make them permanent. And the only (or best, in my head) way to make them permanent in a 21st century environment is a very 21st centruy way: post a blog so I can chart my progress and countless anonymous millions- or about 5 friends who will actually read this thing-- can critique my every move. Personally, I would prefer that they encourage me, but critique is good, too.

Notice I say “all natural”, not just “organic”.  I do think there is a difference. Yes, organic is good, and I'm totally for it. Beyond the debate on how “organic” organic-labeled things are, not every packaged item that is considered organic is necessarily all natural. I've become a fan of reading labels, but not to count fat or calories or carbs. I read ingredient lists, and if anything in there is a word that I don't recongize that ends in “-ate”, or if the last two ingredients sniff of preservatives, I don't want it. And I've definitely seen organic soups that have every ingredient listed as organic... and then the last two ingredients aren't, or contain "natural flavors" which, based on everything I've read, aren't necessarily natural. There is also the question of sustainability, like buying local, and caring about how living things are raised. A chicken can now be touted as “free-range!” but that just means they're not in a cage all day. They could be in a windowless overcrowded barn tripping over other chickens and eating their own filth. Thanks, “Food Inc”.

I will try as hard as I can to make this fun. And interesting! If I find a recipe or a purveyor of delicious and natural goodness, I will share for you all to see. And if you have suggestions- especially when I need help to overcome a stumbling block such as gorging myself on a Sausage McMuffin with Cheese after a heavy night of drinking- I am all ears. Except to hear you tell me all the reasons why that McMuffin is so bad for me. I know. I don't need reminding. It's just damn good and I'm going to enjoy it and get back on the wagon once the damn headache wears off. But thank you for your concern.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Jordana!! Good luck and try and try to document some of these things that you find -Dani
